Monday, November 29, 2010


The land is rich with opportunities. Mine eyes are open to the bounty before me. Privilege is like a smorgasbord. Sweets, juicy meats, fresh green vegetables and every kind of candy imaginable; it’s lying there for the gathering. I fill my plate. I fill it again and again. I loosen my belt to allow room for my girth to expand because I am thrilled to fill myself. I indulge on the opportunities and privileges afforded me.

As I, can you see it as well? The land is rich; it flows with milk and honey. The technology is here and the end is not yet seen. The sun rises to the sky, light beans and shadows are cast where ignorance, violence and slothfulness, they die a hard death. We moan and groan from the pain caused by our hate and incivility. The heat of the day will be growth for some; others will scorch in the dry dusty desert of defeat.

Defeated, not because they were overcome by an enemy unknown. They gave up. They refused to try. They were told the work is hard. That preparation was needed, but they’d rather sit and lie rather than crawl and stand. You cannot run the race of the swift sitting on your backside. Rise up. Face the foe who seeks to seal your fate. Determine that it will lose to you, and it must seek out another victim to overcome.

You will face the challenge to find your place under the sun and gain strength from its energy. The heat of the day is your friend, and you ignore the pain and work hard toward the gain.

Strengthen yourselves. Exercise your mind as well as your body and the soul will grow. My belly is full. I am jolly with delight. I can reach and grab. I share with others. I have to have. The more I share, the deeper my sustenance.

I eat and I am full. Eat.

© 2010 Ben R. Walls