Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Remember Your Shingle

Outside my bedroom window is a little shed I used to play in as a kid. Today when I looked out, I could see something was still there - a shingle. I guess it was during my earlier teenage years when I would go out, work in my “shop”, and build things. One day, I decided to put up a storefront sign. Only today did I ever think of it as a shingle.

Professional firms use shingles to establish their presence in the community. You know: Lawyers, Doctors, and Consultants, etc. Shingles tell the public about their trade, skill, their preparation and their availability to serve.

Today, I want to remind you of YOU. Are you doing your IT? Whatever your IT is, are you doing it now. I love the commercial, “It’s my money, and I want it now.” Have you forgotten what shingle you once hung out, your childhood dreams and aspirations? The things you daydreamed about and never did. Why? Why haven’t you moved on them? How have you talked yourself away from those ideas and perhaps innovations? Come on now, stop simply remembering, but rather get recharged and take steps to make those dreams realities.

I know. The challenge stands in your way like a daunting wall. It should be there. It serves a purpose. Challenges bring forth the best ideas, newer concepts and better ways to approach and solve problems. Challenges are there help us over the obstacles. Challenges make us Champions! However, you must choose to do something. Go ahead and make the choice to change your life. Once you realize in your heart the impact that change can make on how you think, feel and act; you will love the better person you have become. You can do it. Allow yourself to be inspired to climb your wall.

Every day I go to a local gym. Some days I am pumped and ready to go, other days, I drag. On the mornings I feel slow and unmotivated, I see Mrs. F. She is 86 years old, carries an oxygen bottle on a roll-about walker, and she faithfully comes and with a smile on her face, does her routines. When I see her, that gets me going. I often tell her, "YOU INSPIRE ME!"

If she can, I can! Her actions say to me, you are never too old. You are not too tired. Get up off that couch and live! Workout, lose the fat and make a change. Do what you must to get prepared to hang out your shingle. Develop your trade. Invest in your skill. Prepare for success. Show your availability.

You should hear about my friend Mitchell…next time.

©2010 Benny R. Walls

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